The Globalists Gaslighting About Unity - Daily Live 1.25.23 | E307 Covering Macro and Bitcoin charts, then listening to rhetoric from Biden and Baerbock on unity in the West.
What Comes Next? plus Peter Schiff Silliness - Daily Live 1.24.23 | E306 There is a feeling of confusion and concern in the markets, waiting for the impending recession everyone says is coming. Plus some Peter Schiff craziness.
The World is Going Against Globalization and Globalists - Daily Live 1.23.23 | E305 The total failure of the Davos 2023 agenda and Brazil talks with Argentina about a common currency.
Bitcoin's Price PUMP and Fed Whisperers - Daily Live 1.20.23 | E304 In this episode of the Bitcoin & Markets podcast, I take a look at bitcoin's latest price pump, other macro charts, the China reopening narrative, and Federal Reserve policy
Ransomware and Bitcoin Demand - Daily Live 1.17.23 | E302 We examine the claim of the FAA ransomware attack that took down the NOTAMS system nation-wide, and it coinciding with the bitcoin pump.
Davos WEF History and Future Plans - Daily Live 1.16.23 | E301 Learn where the World Economic Forum WEF in Davos originated, their Marxist nature and their current narrative tactics and plans.
Bitcoin Back Above $20K, plus SEC Timing - Daily Live 1.13.23 | E300 Bitcoin price pumps above $20,000 signaling we could be entering the next bull market, plus SEC sues Gemini reaction.